The Gallery

Carre Gallery was opened in 2010 as a result of collaboration between a local businessman and the late Windham Hime, a professional artist and photographer. It is now operated by the Sleaford Gallery Arts Trust, a registered charity. Everyone involved in the gallery’s operation and management is a volunteer. Our Patron is Mr Julian Francis Fane MA JP DL and former High Sheriff of Lincolnshire

A recent exhibition

Carre Gallery hosts exhibitions by skilled artist and photographers with a Lincolnshire connection and entirely reliant on the generosity of exhibitors, friends and sponsors for finance.

Whether exhibiting or visiting - you will always be welcome

Our exhibitions include:-

  • Work by Lincolnshire artists of a recognised high standard.
  • Experimental and original forms of two-dimensional art.
  • Appropriately-presented work by young artists.
  • Photographic work of a recognised high standard.
Carre Gallery viewed from the road

Carre Gallery's display area extends to three ground floor rooms, two of which have prominent frontage to Carre Street and are visible from Navigation House. The accommodation is centrally-heated and lighting is both natural and artificial.

Exhibition Rooms

The Carre Gallery has three exhibition rooms:

The Somersby Room, Carre Gallery, Sleaford
Room Linear display area
Somersby Room 37ft (11m)
Candlesby Room 31ft (9m)
Bainton Room 39ft (12m)

Carre Gallery floor plan


Gallery bookings are managed by the Trust Secretary:

Mrs A. Espin
c/o Hodgson Brothers LLP
28 Carre Street, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 7TR
Tel: 01529 415056
Fax: 01529 415057

Gallery Hours

Exhibitions normally open Tuesday to Saturday from 10.00am to 4.00pm.

Between major exhibitions the gallery hosts a changing display of work from a variety of Lincolnshire artists.

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